Band Family,

As some of you know by now, North Lincoln has the high honor of hosting this year’s Music Performance Assessment (MPA) event for the South Central Band District. MPA is sanctioned by the North Carolina Music Educators Association and is considered the state equivalent to the EOC and NC Final Exam for band. Needless to say, this is a BIG DEAL for NL and a huge honor! We were asked to host partly due to our auditorium/set up and also because NL is KNOWN for running exceptional events! This is a testament to our wonderful students and hard-working parents! Just like everything we do, I want this event to flow smoothly and correctly! While MPA will not be a money maker for us, we still want to show the Charlotte region why NL is best :)!
MPA will run Monday, March 19 – Friday March 23. Most days will begin around 7:30am and finish up by 7:30pm. Friday is a short day (done by 3:30pm). I am in need of help in the following areas:
Registration table – help check band directors in/provide information/be a friendly face!
Tabulation room – upload judges’ comments to Dropbox (big job!)
Stage Crew – help set up the stage for performances.
Most of these jobs can be filled by students. However, I would like to have a parent do the comment uploading if possible. If you can help out, even for a few hours, please let me know. Students will be given the chance to sign up to help this upcoming week.
I will release our own performance times in a separate email. The concert bands are sounding terrific and making a lot of progress! I’m excited make music with our students every day!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Yay Band!
Mr. Still

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