
Operating a top-notch band program requires lots of dedicated supporters! Parents, Grandparents and community members are encouraged to get involved! We have lots of needs from leadership to construction projects to admin support and much more. No job is too small and we encourage folks to use their talents to support our students.

Volunteer Contacts

Have a talent? Want to find out where you can plug in? Email the following folks for information.

Bake Sale – Elissa Geiger
Chaperones – 
Concessions –  
Dewey’s – 
Fleet/Pit/Props – Paul Finch (paulfinch008@gmail.com)
Fundraising – 
Hospitality –
Marketplace – Elissa Geiger
Mentor Program – vacant
Publicity – 
Roundtable – Paul Finch (paulfinch008@gmail.com)
United Script Program – 
Spirit Nights/Harris Teeter – 
Travel – 
Uniforms –