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We are blessed to have a wonderful group of hardworking parents who work to raise the necessary funds we need to operate an exceptional band program.  We have two types of fundraisers: General Fundraisers and Student Fundraisers.  General Fundraisers raise the funds needs to operate our programs and fund things like staffing, transportation, equipment and show design/music.  While student fees offset these costs, we rely on general fundraisers to help close that funding gap.   ALL BAND FAMILIES are expected to participate in these fundraisers.  Below are General Fundraisers and the contact person:

CWEA (Spring) – 

Deweys (Winter) – Rebekah Stanton

Football Concessions (Fall) – Jason Hyde

Market Place (Fall) – Elissa Geiger

RoundTable Tournament (Fall) – Rebekah Stanton

Student Fundraisers are designed to help families raise funds specifically for student accounts to help offset student fee commitments.  These fundraisers must follow specific federal, state and school district guidelines, and can only be used for student accounts.  No money raised by a student can be used for personal purchases or other things not specified by the fundraiser.  We can offer one fundraiser per event/activity per the IRS tax code as our band boosters are 501(c)3 tax exempt.  Plenty of notice will be given regarding times and dates for fundraisers.