Band family,


Believe it or not, course registration for the 2021-2022 school year is underway!  Over the next month or so, students will meet with guidance counselors to discuss schedules and future plans.  Please take a moment to consider your future with our band program and the classes you would like to take next year!  I know that there are many different aspects pulling for your attention, and lots to explore!  I FULLY BELIEVE that the high school years are not just for academic growth... this time is very much about social and emotional growth as well! Band is a wonderful way to grow as an individual AND have a class that is social and creative in your schedule!  


I HIGHLY recommend band students to take band both class both semesters. In my experience, the vast majority of high school students who take a "break" from band find themselves frustrated and behind.  Often the students who end up quitting from year to year are those who only take one semester, often telling me they feel not a part of the group and "losing interest".  I will always work with students and their counselors on finding solutions to scheduling conflicts.  Students who can only take one semester of band class will be placed in the spring semester and highly encouraged to participate in the marching band in the fall to keep their playing up!


I sincerely hope all returning students will continue in our wonderful band program next year!  Please email if you have any questions or concerns!


Yay Band!


Mr. Still

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