Dear band family,
This email contains logistics for our 4th home game this Friday, Oct. 18, and our 4th competition @ Mooresville HS on Saturday, Oct. 19.
Home Football Game vs. Maiden HS – Friday, Oct. 18Call time is 5:30pm. We will perform the show for halftime (promise this time). Students need to wear either a past band show shirt or a NL shirt under the uniforms. Do not wear the Within the Garden shirts. Students will also need their long black socks for the uniforms and some $$ for 3rd quarter break.
Blue Devil Classic @ Mooresville HS – Saturday, Oct. 19
8:45am – call time/move equipment to stadium
9:00am – rehearsal in stadium
10:30am – full run
10:45am – load/pack equipment/eat lunch
12:15pm – depart NLHS
1:00pm – arrive MHS/orientation
2:00pm – prep for warmup
2:40pm – warmup
3:30pm – Performance
3:15pm – load/pack equipment/change out of uniforms/return to stadium to watch bands and eat dinner
8:30pm – awards ceremony
9:30pm – depart MHS
10:45pm – arrive NLHS/unload equipment
Things to think about:
1. Students will need to bring a heathly lunch to eat before we depart. There is simply not enough time between the end of rehearsal and departure to go off campus.
2. Please remember your long black socks and Within the Garden show shirts for under the uniforms! Students will also need to bring a change of clothes to change completely out of uniforms after the show.
3. The ENCORE performance is a NL tradition dating back to the first year of the school. It serves as the “final” performance of the season, a celebration of our journey together, and a chance for our hardworking pit/prop parents to see the show from the stands (instead of on the track or worse, behind a prop!). Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, Nov. 5 at 7pm). More details to follow.
4. Winterguard, Indoor Percussion and Jazz Band information will be distributed soon! Be on the look out for those packets and interst meeting schedules.
5. I hope many parents and supporters will consider driving over to the “otherside of the lake” to cheer on our wonderful band! Mooresville has a wonderful stadium where bands sound great! Don’t want to miss it!
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Yay Band!
Mr. Still