5 October, 2020


Dear band students and parents,


The purpose of this letter is to provide you with important information for this year’s All-District audition weekend on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at Porter Ridge High School in Indian Trail, NC.  


All-District Honor Bands are some of the most competitive honors bands held in our region of North Carolina, with membership granted only by audition.  Each year, more than 1000 middle and high school students audition for four bands (two middle school bands, a 9-10 band and an 11-12 band.) If selected, students will then attend the All-District Clinic held at Stuart W. Cramer High School in Belmont, NC on Friday, January 29, 2021 and Saturday, January 30, 2021.  If selected, our boosters will cover transportation for the actual clinic.  Students will be responsible for all meals (more information to follow if selected). A contingency plan for “virtual auditions” is currently in the works in case we can not have live auditions.  More information will be shared as we get closer to the date as to whether auditions will be virtual or live.


Auditions for the 2021 All-District Honor Bands will be held on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at Porter Ridge High School in Indian Trail, NC.  The snow date is January 16, 2021.  Students who wish to audition must fill out the bottom portion of this letter and return it to the band office with their audition fee of $10 no later than Monday, December 7, 2020 in order to audition.  Transportation will be provided via activity bus.  Results will be posted late Sunday night on the South Central District Bandmasters Association website (www.scdba.net) or available through the band office Monday morning.  


Auditions include a prepared solo, select major scales (memorized), and a short sight-reading piece.  Students are advised to bring a book or homework with them as the wait time for some instruments could be several hours (it all depends on how fast the auditions move).  Students will be notified on departure and return times as the auditions draw closer.  Students are advised to pack a lunch/snack… some years food is available for purchase, others years it is not.  Students will not have the opportunity to leave PRHS for lunch.  It is advisable for students to have a cell phone with them…. Once we depart for NLHS, students may want to inform their parents of arrival times.  


Of course, parents are welcome to attend the auditions as chaperones and encouragers!  Auditions can be a scary thing, but they are a necessary tool for the growth of our band students as musicians and performers.  As always, questions and concerns should be directed to the band office by email (kevin.still@lincoln.k12.nc.us) or by phone: (704) 736-1969, ext. 61716.  I hope to see many of our North Lincoln band students audition for this very prestigious group!


Yay Band!

Mr. Still



I, ____________________________________________, give my son/daughter, _____________________________________________, permission to audition for the 2020 All-District Honor Band on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at Porter Ridge HS in Indian Trail, NC.  I understand that if selected, my son/daughter will be able to participate in the 2021 All-District clinic held at Stuart Cramer High School in Belmont, NC, over the weekend of January 29-30, 2020.  I understand that if selected, my student must be enrolled in the spring concert band classes.  I understand that the audition fee is $10 and non-refundable (please make checks payable to  “NLBB” [NL Band Boosters ]).  


Parent Signature: _______________________________  Student Signature: _______________________________________

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